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October 11, 2007
Comic Strip

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October 11, 2007 - 13:51:36
Okay, here is what's freaky. I draw these paperdummy comics a week or two ahead of time and upload them a bunch at a time. I never remember which one is supposed to show up on what day. So when I get to the office, I check to see which one it happens to be today. Well, this morning it took me 2 hours to get to work because of traffic. My average speed for the first hour was 1.3 miles per hour. And when I got to the office, I saw the comic above. Freaky! 

October 11, 2007 - 17:46:27
You draw a lot of older volvos. 

October 12, 2007 - 01:14:31
I draw cars that are easy to recognize and not too hard to draw, or cars I am familiar with from owning them.
*Volvo 240
*Nissan Sentra
*Chrysler or Chevy from the 1960s
*Volkswagen Beetle
*Generic GM car from the 1980s
I am trying to draw more modern cars too now though.  

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